16. 10. 2017 16:31

Beauty Loves by DeniVev

I guess 21 is the age I should really start taking care of myself. Moisturizing every inch of my body with something especially suitable and look less like an un-dead then I did till now.

This obviously makes me research drugstores more and spend more money etc. Wait, wait I didn't want to make this into something negative. I actually want to share some of my favorite finds with you. Things I tried recently and already totally love. I havent done something similar for  a while so I have new fresh finds! Exciting init haha.


As you get older you realize that moisturizing your mums told you about makes sense and is really a good thing. My problem is that I never found a suitable cream that work all over my body and wont leave me sticky. Till now. Home & Bargain has this piece in stock. A Dry Oil Body Spray. Ah-Mazing! Dries almost immediately and leaves skin not only moisturized and soft but shiny! Like what?! I use it as highlighter for night out now haha.  


Now not everyone likes to use same kind of product for eyebrows. I myself had been strictly a pencil user no matter what else I tried. Nothing would suit my needs and way I wanted it to look. Oh and the shade! But I had this one recommended by friend and her daughter who are both make-up obsessed. Which in my head meant it MUST be great. So I went in, bought it and Oh My! Yas!


It is getting So cold, So quick! Right?! My lips are my fav feature on myself so you bet I take extra care of them. This is my love. Very seasonal too! Oh and it actually has nice nude pigment in so no need to worry bout - what lipstick you should go for. 


I love having that wow factor. You know when you walk into the room or past someone and they immediately look at you. When they know you are there and you are something amazing! Yeah! And this perfume gives me that. As you can tell I am down to last drops and am actually devastated. This one actually makes a statement. Makes you sexy and powerful. Yet approachable haha.


Pink, red and orange shades were IT for a decent time now. I can' t stop working on fav combinations and keep buying more and more to try. This one is absolute bomb. Very affordable and pigmented. Just GAW-JES.

What were your musts? Anything we all NEED to try? Let us know in comments, on insta or facebook.

Until next time, keep safe and live your life to the fullest


DeniVev :*

more www.denivev.blogspot.co.uk

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Blogger, Hairdresser, Hobby model and photographer. Love all things modern women care for. x

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