10. 10. 2018 12:30


Basic Style for wearing a Kilt

The kilt is a traditional Scottish garment that is used to symbolize power, culture, and family origins of people in the Scottish Highlands. The practice of wearing it has had many changes throughout its long history, including being banned in the mid-1700s to downplay the influence of the Highland clans.

Shirt and Skirt

📷 In some situations (not all formal), men should first put on the shirt called a Ghillie because it will be tucked in. For casual kilt wearing, your kilt can be worn with a comfortable shirt. Kilt suppliers, such as UT Kilts, offer cool T-shirts with unique and distinguished designs to make wearing the kilt more fun. When you wear your personal kilt, make sure that the pleats are in the back and the flat apron is in front.

Belt and Buckle

📷 Kilt belts and buckles generally run wider than normal belts and are only needed when opting not to wear a waistcoat. Kilt belts are worn through the kilt loops at the rear and fastened on the front, above the sporran.

Hose and Shoes

📷 📷 If you are wearing hose flashes (flashes are not the socks. They go under the socks), you have to put them on first before you fold the hose. The hose should be just above the knee, and then simply fold the two hoses over to below the knee. The shoes that are most commonly worn with kilts are the Ghillie Brogues, which are worn just like a regular shoe, but the laces should be wrapped around the ankles before they are tied in front. Though just about any shoe or boot can be worn with a kilt.


📷 The last item is the sporran. It is worn by putting the sporran belt (sometimes part chain) through the loops on the kilt. Sporrans come in many colors of leather or fur, while formal sporrans are usually fur.Many men today only wear their kilts during special occasions, such as weddings. However, there is a new trend of modern utility kilts that is making kilts for casual wear very popular. These Kilts are a lot more functional and have pockets sewn in for such personal items as wallets, phones, or even keys. Even with this surge of popularity the traditional kilt is timeless and will never go out of style.Modern and stylish kilts are cool, comfortable, and fashionable. Stores like UT Kilts offer an extensive selection of traditional and modern kilts, as well as accessories that complete your everyday outfit.

Fly Plaid and Brooch

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The fly plaid is a great way to add an extra level of formality to your kilt (and to really make you stand out from the crowd). 

Your fly plaid will typically match your kilt's tartan and is worn over your left shoulder. You secure the fly plaid to your jacket using a plaid brooch. 

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