1. 11. 2018 23:12

Malá kolekcia básní (ENG)

Dnes som si pre vás pripravila malú ukážku krátkych básní v anglickom jazyku.


The day I die

White roses will lie

Up upon my grave

Baby, don’t feel the blame.

Don’t be in pain…

The whole thing was my plan.

Just please put that roses there,

Don’t feel as if it was unfair.

I’ll be happy after all

This is my last call

Hope you’ll remember me well

Farewell, friend, farewell.


What it means to complete a life?

To me, it means to die

For perfection you strive

For their happiness, and their pride

Once the thing is finished

All your afford has vanished

Thou spirit screams

At the moment... Eaten by neglected dreams.


I am here and I confess…

My heart is a complete mess.

I committed all the sins

Lord, pardon me, please.

Humbly before you I stand

Asking you to be my friend.

Someone who could make me safe

Your presence I'll forever crave.


Your silence speaks

For a heart that freaks.

It’s never chilled

Till it gets healed.

So soothe me, baby, please

I need to get some temporary peace.

Let me know if you liked this small sample of my works. Each and every feedback is useful. :) 

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