2. 2. 2018 16:49

Kam sa ísť najesť v Berlíne?

Nedávno sme absolvovali víkendový trip do Berlína, a v tomto blogu sa dočítate, kde sa naozaj oplatí ísť najesť, a ktoré miesto je najviac #hygge.

Musím sa priznať, že pred odletom sme mali kompletný zoznam gastro prevádzok, ale ani jednu pamiatku, ktorú chceme vidieť. :) Máme svoje priority.

Samozrejme sme pochodili celé mesto a máme krásne turistické fotočky, ktoré nájdete v budúcom blogu.

V tomto vám však dáme odporúčania "z prvej ruky", na jedlo, ktoré sa naozaj oplatí vyskúšať a to, ktoré môžete pokojne vynechať. Bohužiaľ, ako to už na výletoch býva, keď chcete vidieť toho, čo najviac, nemáte čas na dlhé vychutnávanie si jedla. Zopár #hyggelig miest, sa nám však podarilo nájsť.

Fish and chips

Fish and chips sme zvolili ako rýchlu voľbu. Nemali sme príliš veľa času na večeru, toto sme zahliadli cestou na ubytko, tak sme sa rozhodli vyskúšať. Vyskúšali sme každý niečo iné - mali sme krevety, ryby, "kučeravé hranolky", batátové hranolky aj fishburger. Bolo to fakt fajn, cesnakový dresing bol super (mali na výber zo šiestich, ale jediný, ktorý sme rozumeli bol garlic, tak sme si dali ten) a štýl fastfoodu nám vyhovoval. Rybky však boli trochu mastnejšie, čo neskúsenému žalúdku môže narobiť problémy (Sašenkino bruško je zvyknuté na zdravú stravu), ale na druhú stranu, viete si predstaviť lepší "základ" pre piatkovú noc?

Berlínske fish and chips hodnotíme na 8/10. 👌🏻

Miesto bol klasický fastfood, jednoduché "rýchloumývateľné" stoly, za ktoré sme sa všetci nezmestili, a niektorí z nás museli stáť.

Hygge faktor: 2

P.S. Pozrite si všetky fotky v týchto instagramových albumoch. :)


V Berlíne je obrovské množstvo cudzokrajných kuchýň. Je úžasné, že na jednej ulici vedľa seba nájdete mexickú, thajskú, hawajskú alebo taliansku kuchyňu. Ani sme sa nevedeli rozhodnúť, čo skôr ochutnať. Nakoniec sme sa rozhodli pre mexický fastfood Mishba a boli sme spokojní. Burrita boli fakt super, k tomu mexické pivko, kaktus na stole, no čo viac si môžeme priať? Možno iba trochu dokoreniť vegetariánsku verziu a pridať trochu štipľavého do klasického burrita a všetko bude super. Priestor bol však fajn, jedlo tiež a tak berlínskemu mexiku dávame 8/10.

Miesto malo príjemné osvetlenie, veľké stoly, za ktoré sme sa všetci zmestili, ale stále to bol iba fastfood.

Hygge faktor: 4

Dunkin' Donuts

Raňajky v Dunkin' Donuts sme nemohli vynechať. Toľko príchutí, posýpok, náplní a druhov. Stále čakáme na otvorenie pobočky na Slovensku. Úplná topka bola novinka zvaná Swirl, ktorá bola plnená Nutellou. Najlepšie doplnenie cukrov po párty a posilnenie pred celým dňom na nohách. Vieme si však predstaviť vychutnanie donutov v krajšom a útulnejšom, viac #hyggelig prostredí a asi aj lepšiu kávu pre kávopičov, ktorí nemajú radi karamel latté, z ktorého bežný človek dostane glykemický záchvat. V čase, keď sme tam boli my dokonca nemali ani smoothie, ktoré mali v ponuke.

Dunkin' Donuts 7/10.

Toto si asi viete všetci predstaviť, nie je to to pravé raňajkové miesto, obyčajné stoly, neónové osvetlenie, žiadna útulnosť. Jediná hyggelic vec je, že sladkosti sú veľmi hygge!

Hygge faktor: 2

Mustafa kebab

Mustafa kebab je najvýchyrenejší a najlepší kebab v Berlíne. Fakt som nečakala, že aj mäso v žemli môže byť vychýrené. Kebab mal obrovskú porciu mäsa a príjemným prekvapením bola grilovaná zelenina. Špecialitou bol hummus, ktorý sa prídaval do žemle ako dresing. Na výber je zo 4 dresingov a kebab je naozaj veľký. Zvláštnosťou tiež bolo pridanie hrudkovitého syra/tvarohu. Celkovo to bolo iná chuť, na akú sme zvyknutí, ale aj tak sme si pochutili.

Berlínsky kebab získava 7/10.

Klasický kebab, miesto na rýchle zjedenie svojej porcie, väčšinou príliš veľa ľudí, takže obmedzená kapacita sedenia.

Hygge faktor: 2

Curry 36

Kebab je síce vychýrený, ale najznámejšou berlínskou pochúťkou je Curry. Počas prechádzania mestom sme zazreli množstvo stánkov s týmto jedlom, my sme sa však rozhodli vyskúšať tú najslávnejšiu pobočku a tou je Curry 36. Cestovali sme tam večer trištvrte hodinu a ....... boli sme neskutočne sklamaní. Očakávali sme minimálne klobásu s nejakou super omáčkou. Dostali sme múčny parok s priemernými hranolkami, posypaný trochou kari korenia a zaliaty obrovským množstvom kečupu. Jednoducho pohroma, ak je toto ich národné jedlo, zostávame stále tím halušky. Naozaj to nestojí za to. Ak ste však niekto mali inú skúsenosť s týmto jedlom, dajte nám vedieť, stále sa nám nechce tomu veriť.

Berlinskú tradičnú pochúťku hodnotíme na 3/10.

Jedlo sa konzumuje "na stojáka" vonku pred stánkom. Nikto nemá rád dlhé státie s jedlom, takže všetci konzumujú rýchlo.

Hygge faktor: 0

Distrikt coffee

To najlepšie nakoniec. V deň odletu sme náhodne našli túto kaviareň na internete, keď sme hľadali miesto na raňajky. Šlapali sme k nej pekných pár minút a po príchode nás prekvapil rad ľudí čakajúcich až von. Vonku stál uvádzač, ktorý nám povedal, že na stôl budeme čakať minimálne polhodinu. Niektorí z nás už boli takmer na odchode do iného podniku, keď po pár minútach vyšiel s dobrou správou. Síce sme neboli všetci spolu, ale dostali sme sa dnu, a poviem vám, to teda stálo za to! Okrem nádherných #hygge priestorov, veľmi milej a profesionálnej obsluhy, originálnej ponuky v menu, nás čakalo dokonalé jedlo. Mali sme ten najúžasnejší avokádový toast, sendviče a výbornú misku plnú superfood. Jedlo sme si vychutnávali s najväčším pôžitkom, aký si dokážete predstaviť a všetci máme video roztekajúceho sa vajíčka na avokádo. Dokonca aj pomarančová šťava chutila oveľa lepšie, ako by ste čakali. Ak pôjdete do Berlína, rezervujte si čas pre Distrikt coffee. Je to stopercentné hygge! ❤️

Toto miesto si zaslúži určite 9/10.

Príjemné tlmené osvetlenie, tehlové priestory, usmievavý personál. Pre obrovskú fluktuáciu zákazníkov si však nemôžete vychutnávať kávičku veľmi dlho. Keď vidíte množstvo ľudí čakať na stôl, svedomie vám nedovolí dlho sedieť, a každému chcete dopriať ten pôžitok z jedla. Tiež čakanie na usadenie nie je veľmi hyggelig.

Hygge faktor: 6

The most #amazingplace was waiting for us in the end of our trip.😍We found this place randomly on the internet when we’re looking for #breakfastplace. We we’re walking quite a long time to get there and many people in front of the #cafe surprised us. Even usher was there! But finally we got in, and guys, it was incredible.🤤The beautiful #hyggelig place, really nice and pleasant waitress, original menu options and #perfectfood. We had the wonderful #avocadotoast #sandwich and excellent #superfood bowl.❤️All us were eating with a pleasure. Seriously, if you’re planning to visit #berlin, don’t miss this place! 🙏🏻 It’s 10/10 for us. 👌🏻 #berlinfood #distriktcoffee #hygge #hyggeisti #hyggebook #hyggeplace #breakfast #breakfastwithfriends #friends #friendstime #breakfasttime #breakfastlover #berlinstagram #foodlover #food #dnesjem #foodporn #coffee #healthyfood #urban #urbanplace

A post shared by @ hyggeisti on

Ak ste vyskúšali aj vy nejaké #hygge miesto v Berlíne, určite nám napíšte do komentára. Mesto sa nám veľmi páčilo a určite sa tam ešte vrátime. 😍

Sledujte nás aj na Instagrame a dajte nám follow na profil, aby vám neušiel žiaden blog. :)


Where to grab a bite in Berlin?

Recently we took a weekend trip to Berlin. This blog will clarify where it is worth it to eat and which spot is the most hygge.

I have to admit that before the departure we had a complete list of gastro spots, but no landmarks to visit. We have our priorities!

Of course we did all the necessary sightseeing and we have a lot of must-have tourist pictures which you will see in our following blog.

However, in this one you can find "first hand" recommendations for delicacies that are worth trying but also for those that can be easily skipped. Unfortunately as it goes with short trips, you don't have enough time to test and savor all the food options while trying to catch a glimpse of the Brandenburg Gate. But we managed to find a few hyggelig spots.

Fish & Chips

Fish & Chips was a quick detour on our gastro route. We didn't have much time for proper dinner and we spot the place on our way back to the hostel. Each of us tried something different – shrimps, fish, curly fries, sweet potato fries and fishburger. It was really good, garlic dip was great (we had six options to choose from, but understand translation only for one) and the overall style of the fastfood suited our needs. The fish was greasier than expected which can cause some trouble for weaker stomachs (Saška's belly is used to healthy diet), but on the other hand, could you have more solid foundation for Friday night?

Berlin fish and chips score 8/10.

The place was ordinary fastfood, simple washable tables which didn't accommodate all of us therefore some of us had to stand.

Hygge factor: 2


You can find a great volume of foreign cuisines in Berlin. It is amazing that you can find Mexican, Thai, Hawaiian or Italian restaurants side by side on one street. It was a hard choice to choose one. Eventually we decided to try the Mexican fastfood Mishba and it left us satisfied. Burritos were splendid, Mexican beer and cacti all around, what else would you want? Wider variety of spices in the vegetarian option would make it even tastier, and also regular burritos could use some of the spiciness. Anyway, the place was nice as well as the food, so we score the Berlin Mexico with 8/10.

The restaurant was nicely lit, it had big tables for bigger groups of people, but still, it was only fastfood.

Hygge factor: 4

Dunkin' Donuts

We couldn't omit a breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts. So many toppings, fillings and varieties of donuts. We are impatiently waiting for Slovak branch to open. The most amazing thing was Swirl, donut filled with Nutella. It was the best way to fuel up ahead of the Berlin explorations. However, we could imagine a nicer and more hyggelig place for enjoying our donuts. The coffee could be of higher quality. For people of more sophisticated taste who don't enjoy sugar crash after caramel latte, we recommend a different "coffee" spot. At the moment of our visit they were even lacking smoothies that were listed on the menu.

Dunkin' Donuts 7/10

As probably all of you predicted, it is not the best breakfast place, fastfood facility, neon lights, no comfort. The only hyggelig thing was the donuts!

Hygge factor: 2

Mustafa kebab

Mustafa kebab belongs to one of the best kebabs in Berlin. I didn't expect that a meat in a bun can be so famous. The kebab had a big portion of meat in it and lovely surprise was the grilled vegetables. A special ingredient was hummus that was added as a dressing. You could choose from four dressing and the kebab is really huge. Another special ingredient was the addition of cottage cheese. The taste was different that the one we are used to. We enjoyed it anyway.

Berlin kebab scores 7/10.

Ordinary crowded kebab place for a quick bite with restricted amount of seats.

Hygge factor: 2

Curry 36

The kebab is legendary, but Berlin is notorious for the currywurst. We saw a multitude of stands with this specialty along our Berlin journey. However, we chose to visit the most famous one, Curry 36. We spent 45 minutes to commute there and we were unequivocally disappointed! We expected a sausage with curry sauce at least. The thing we got was a sad floury wiener with handful of store bought fries covered in thin layer of carry spice and drowned in liter of ketchup. It was pathetic. It is not worth your time or money. In case you have more positive experience, please let us know. We want to believe there is a great currywurst out there somewhere!

The Berlin "delicacy" scores 3/10.

You can eat your food in front of the stand, not-sitting style.

Hygge factor: 0

Distrikt coffee

We saved the best for the end (as our trip did). On the day of our departure we accidentally found this café while browsing the internet for a breakfast spot. It took a lengthy walk to get there and the queue in front the place was also unexpected. The usher announced it takes around half an hour to get a table. Some of us discouraged by the sad news almost went looking for some other spot. Fortunately after a few minutes some of the tables were vacated. Although we were not seated together, we got in and it was so worth it! Apart from the beautiful hygge premises, very professional and lovely staff and original menu, the most delicious food was awaiting us. We had the best avocado toast, sandwiches and bowl of superfood. We savored our breakfast to maximum and all of us had a video of a yummy runny egg yolk on their Instagram feed. Even the orange juice tasted better than usually. In case you are planning to visit Berlin, do not skip the Distrikt coffee. It is a pure hygge!

This place fairly deserves 9/10.

Pleasant dim lights, brick covered interior, cheerful staff. However, it is hard to enjoy your coffee for high fluctuation of customers. When you see the crowded entrence, your conscience doesn't let you to sit around for long because you want the others to experience the food as well. The wait for the table is not that much hyggelig either.

Hygge factor: 6

The most #amazingplace was waiting for us at the end of our trip.😍We found this place randomly on the internet when we were looking for #breakfastplace. We walked for quite a long time to get there and were really surprised to find so many people in front of the #cafe. Even usher was there! But finally we got in, and guys, it was incredible.🤤The beautiful #hyggelig place, really nice and pleasant waitress, original menu options and #perfectfood. We had the wonderful #avocadotoast #sandwich and excellent #superfood bowl.❤️All of us were eating with pleasure. Seriously, if you’re planning to visit #berlin, don’t miss this place! 🙏🏻 It’s 9/10 for us. 👌🏻 #berlinfood #distriktcoffee #hygge #hyggeisti #hyggebook #hyggeplace #breakfast #breakfastwithfriends #friends #friendstime #breakfasttime #breakfastlover #berlinstagram #foodlover #food #dnesjem #foodporn #coffee #healthyfood #urban #urbanplace

A post shared by @ hyggeisti on

Share your hygge experience from Berlin with us in the comments below. We really enjoyed the city and we will definitely go back.

Look for us on the Instagram, give us like or follow, so you don't miss any of our blogs.

Bye bye!

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Zobraziť všetky
14. 2. 2018 19:34
Urobte si filmový večer!
25. 1. 2018 15:15
Čo čítajú hyggeisti?
8. 1. 2018 14:04
Sme hyggeisti!